Tuesday 20 December 2011


someone :eh ko makin GEMOK je sykn??
          ak: ohh..GEMOK eh..ngah practice BAWAK ANAK..bkn ape nnt mgndung sng sket..

someone: awk niw asyik tido je...ANAK DARA mane blh tido byk2..
          ak: ek..x tahu plak kena jadi JANDA bru blh tido byk2..

bila org len KAPEL
someone: ko nie xde bf ke?atau TAK LAKU??
         ak: hehe..bulan depan jemputla datang MAKAN NASI MINYAK ^^'

tu la alasan diberikan..byk g..tpi mls la nk tulih..alasan lg tuh..~keke

Sunday 11 December 2011

45 Things a girl wants but will NOT ask for!

1 . Touch her waist.
2. Actually talk to her.
3. Share secrets with her.
4. Give her your jacket.
5. Kiss her slowly.
Are you remembering this?
6. Hug her.
7. Hold her.
8. Laugh with her.
9. Invite her somewhere.
10. Hangout with her and your friends together.
11. Smile with her.
12. Take pictures with her.
13. Pull her onto your lap.
14. When she says she loves you more, deny it. Fight back.
15. When her friends say i love her more than you, deny it. fight back and hug her tight so she can't get to her friends. it makes her feel loved.
Are you thinking of someone?
16. Always hug her and say I love you whenever you see her.
17. Kiss her unexpectedly.
18. Hug her from behind around the waist.
19. Tell her that her beautiful.
20. Tell her the way you feel about her.
One last thing you need to do to show her you actually do mean it.
21. Open doors for her, walk her to her car- it makes her feel protected, plus it never hurts to act like a gentleman.
22. Tell her she your everything – only if you mean it.
23. If it seems like there is something wrong, ask her- if she denies something being wrong, it means SHE DOESN'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT- so just hug her
24. Make her feel loved.
25-kiss her in front of OTHER girls you know!!!!*after MARRIED*
26-don't lie to HER.*
27-DON'T cheat on her.*
28-take her ANYWHERE she wants
29-txt messege or call her in the morning and tell her have a good day at work {or school}, and how much you MISS her.
30-be there for her when ever she needs you, & even when she doesn't need you, just be there so she will know that she can ALWAYS count on you.*
31. Hold her close when she's cold so she can hold YOU too.
32. When you are ALONE hold her close and kiss her.*
33. Kiss her on the CHEEK; (it will give her the hint that you want to kiss her).*
34 . While in the movies, put your arm around her and then she will automaticall  put her head on your shoulder, then lean in and tilt her chin up and kiss her LIGHTLY.
35. Dont EVER tell her to leave even jokingly or act like you're mad. If
shes upset, comfort her.

36. When people DISS her, stand up for her.*
37. Look deep into her EYES and tell her you love her.*
38. Lay down under the STARS and put her head on your chest so she can listen to the steady beat of your heart, link your fingers together while you whisper to her as she rests her eyes and listens to you .
39. When walking next to each other grab her HAND.*
40. When you hug her HOLD her in your arms as long as possible*
41. Call or text her at night to wish her SWEET DREAMS*
42. COMFORT her when she cries and wipe away her tears.*
43. Take her for LONG walks at night.
44. ALWAYS Remind her how much you love her.*
45. sit on top of her and tell her how much u love her and then bend down to
her face and kiss her while sitting on her.
you never know when she needs just a little more love

10 things i LOVE about HIM

The things I loved and still love about the person who broke my heart...

1. His personality

2. His sense of humour

3. His laugh

4. His smile

5. His lips

6. His eyes

7. The way he talks

8. The way he walks

9. The way he made me fall in love

10. The way he makes me love him although he doesn't feel the same

Even though I should hate it...
~ ~ ~ ~ ~

in conclusion...

It's crazy... but you know what Plato said... "Love is a serious mental disease"

chaos!! *wink*

Saturday 10 December 2011

Now you can earn rewards by sharing through facebook and twitter with #ChurpChurp! How cool is that?

Now you can earn rewards by sharing through facebook and twitter with #ChurpChurp! How cool is that?

!!aPa niE!!

‎1- erm,nk ckp cket neh kat awak.. bce NO 5

2- Mmmm..cmne ek nk ckp? Bce je la NO 8

3- nk taw ekh?erm,bce NO 9

4- huh,drpd pning bek bce jap NO 15

5- cmne ek nk ckp.. NO 17 je k..

6- kite nk ckp skg tp lbh bek bce NO 16

7- kite akn ckp tp bce dlu NO 2

8- yg kite nk ckp neh simple jek..tp bce dlu NO 4 k?

9- tak payah la b'debar2 cm2..cme bce jap NO 18

10- Blom lg la..bce NO 19 ye..

11- da pnt ekh? Bce jap NO 13

12- sbnrnye kite nk ckp klu⿦.(ah bce no 3 la)

13- tgl cket jek lg bce NO 20

14- argh,pnt neh..bce NO 1

15- adush,dah pning dh ni.. bce la NO 6

16- lorh,msh ta phm lg kew? Bce NO 12

17- ades,nk ckp neh..bce NO 7

18- kite taktau klu awk phm..tlg bce NO 10

19. Baca NO 11 dgn tenang ye..nt awk akn taw..

20- oke2,skg kite ckp..bce NO 14, tp slow2 jek k


Party ٩(-̮̮̃-̃)۶ at my __̴ı̴̴̡̡̡ ̡͌l̡̡̡ ̡͌l̡*̡̡ ̴̡ı̴̴̡ ̡̡͡|̲̲̲͡͡͡ ̲▫̲͡ ̲̲̲͡͡π̲̲͡͡ ̲̲͡▫̲̲͡͡ ̲|̡

Friday 9 December 2011


mungkin..mungkin la korang tertanye sape la amorcito nie?..kalu tak takpe saje je nak cite..
amorcito nie kawan kat fb..die tuh ahli B1a4 <<Lee Sandeul  ..laa..kalu x minat korea jgn ckpla..
mmgla x kenal..tpi mcm tu la..

umm..kiteorg nie kira rpat la..smpai la ade fans dye yg ggu..
fans dye tuh nme Jung J**** 
hehe..jaat guh la fans diye tuh..bole ata message mrh2 sbb wtw<<wall to wall ngn amorcito..
ape cer kan?..ish2.jeles la tuh..
jadi dipendekkan cerita...skg dah x kawan dh dua2 org..UNFRIEND terus..mls la..wat pning kple pikir sal dyeorg..

kalu dipikir2kn blik mmg la syg unfriend ngan amorcito nie ngah pikir nk add amorcito @ tak??hum..=.=

11 signs that ur in love..w0w!!

You walk really slow when you're with them.

You feel shy whenever they're around.

You smile when you hear their voice.

When you look at them, you can't see the other
People around you, you just see him/her.

They're all you think about.

You realize you're always smiling when you're
Looking at them.

You would do anything for them, just to see them.

While reading this, there was one person on your
Mind this whole time.

You were so busy thinking about that person, you
Didn't notice number seven was missing

You just scrolled up to check & are now silently
Laughing at yourself.

and chaos~*wInk*

Thursday 8 December 2011

lepas dapat gaji


klu dpt kije msti dpt gaji kn?hrp2 la dpt kije kat farmasi tut tut tut ..
klu la dpt gaji yg ptame msti blnje family...
lepas itu nk beli

                                                                   polaroid camera


        tadaa..cantik kn??nanti imej keluar terus x yah la sibuk2 nk cuci gmber laa..kecil dn comel ^^

yg kedua

laptop appLe

wah!nak gak merase ade laptop..boleh lyn cite korea lame2..
xyah la nk cilok yg org len pye lps nie..keke ^^'

dan last skali

spek putih ^^

lame dah nak beli tpi x jupe g design comey..
oh yeah..mmg kite pkai spek laa..lupe nk kabo..
kalu la ade wane putih atau colourless mmg beli la..

doakanlah laa sy dpt bli brg2 nie ek..^_-

Wednesday 7 December 2011